epilogue html ie6 - layout questions

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epilogue html ie6 - layout questions

Hank Ratzesberger
If this isn't covered in one of your docs,
then let me spend some more time on it when
I can and you can ignore this for now.

I am seeing differences in layout as I am converting
my pipelines to use 3.0 notation and the standard
epilogue in 3.0.  I think the differences are purely
the way IE does rendering based on doctype.

Notice that tables and margins do not line up
between these two pages, but the difference
is mostly the doctype (xhtml-strict vs
html-transitional). I have tried this with the
simplest of pages and get the same result.



I think I can fix this problem by having epilogue
emit a different doctype.

My question is whether any of your xforms code
relies on IE behaving a certain way because the
page has a particular doctype.

Thank you,

Hank Ratzesberger
NEES Programmer
Institute for Crustal Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara
805.893.8649 (fax)

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Re: epilogue html ie6 - layout questions

Alessandro  Vernet
--- Hank Ratzesberger <[hidden email]> wrote:
> My question is whether any of your xforms code
> relies on IE behaving a certain way because the
> page has a particular doctype.

No, the XForms code does not reply on a specific doctype. You can safely
change the doctype sent by default if you wish.


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Re: epilogue html ie6 - layout questions

Alessandro  Vernet
In reply to this post by Hank Ratzesberger
--- Hank Ratzesberger <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Notice that tables and margins do not line up
> between these two pages, but the difference
> is mostly the doctype (xhtml-strict vs
> html-transitional). I have tried this with the
> simplest of pages and get the same result.
> http://tpm.nees.ucsb.edu/
> http://tpm.nees.ucsb.edu/localvideo/

Hi Hank,

I assume that on the second page you don't want the space before the table
that contains the "Local Video" bar. You are getting this additional
space, compared to what you have on the first page, because you include
orbeon-layout.cssd which defines a margin-top: .71em, margin-bottom: .71em
for the table element.


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Re: epilogue html ie6 - layout questions

Hank Ratzesberger
Yes. Aha, theme.xsl adds this.

(Getting less hesitant to configure
some of these defaults.)

Thanks again for everything,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Alessandro Vernet"

> --- Hank Ratzesberger <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Notice that tables and margins do not line up
>> between these two pages, but the difference
>> is mostly the doctype (xhtml-strict vs
>> html-transitional). I have tried this with the
>> simplest of pages and get the same result.
>> http://tpm.nees.ucsb.edu/
>> http://tpm.nees.ucsb.edu/localvideo/
> Hi Hank,
> I assume that on the second page you don't want the space before the table
> that contains the "Local Video" bar. You are getting this additional
> space, compared to what you have on the first page, because you include
> orbeon-layout.cssd which defines a margin-top: .71em, margin-bottom: .71em
> for the table element.
> Alex

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