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Use of fr:section element in Xforms gives error.

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Use of fr:section element in Xforms gives error.

I am creating form through Xform where I am trying to use fr:section to
divide the form in section as form builder does.

This give me error while executing view.xthml.

Can any one please suggest about settings to have that feature in Xform.


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Re: Use of fr:section element in Xforms gives error.

Alessandro  Vernet
Are you using the `fr:section` component from XForms you write "by hand"
(instead of using Form Builder)? Could you attach the relevant part from
your `orbeon.log` with the error? Also see:



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Re: Use of fr:section element in Xforms gives error.

orbeon.log <http://discuss.orbeon.com/file/t375711/orbeon.log>  

Hi Alex,

Thanks for your response!

Log file has been attached here. Please refer the text "An Error has
Occurred " to see the relevant log message.

I just copy paste the source code from form builder to view.xhtml to run the
same form in separate web application.

snippet of error message seen  in log

|An Error has Occurred                                                                                                
|XPath syntax error at char 62 in {...xt()) or fr:is-readonly-mod...}:                                                
|    Cannot find a matching 0-argument function n                                                                    
|amed {http://orbeon.org/oxf/xml/form-runner}is-readonly-mode()                                                      

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Re: Use of fr:section element in Xforms gives error.

In reply to this post by Alessandro Vernet
Hi Alex,

I just doing evolution of this tool, so that I can be able to suggest this
tool our business team.
Trying some experiment with fr:section. It works with form builder but not
with xforms.

Is there any setting required before going to run the form with that


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Re: Use of fr:section element in Xforms gives error.

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi AK,

Indeed, the `fr:section` doesn't work outside of Form Runner, i.e. the
runtime used by forms you create with Form Builder, as it uses the
`fr:is-readonly-mode()` function, which only makes sense in the context of
Form Runner.

Some of the `fr:*` components might work outside of Form Runner, in just
plain XForms, but they were really designed to run in the context of Form
Runner. It's not to say that, at least in some cases, they couldn't be made
to work in plain XForms, but you just can't count on it being the case.

Out of curiosity, what was your use case for writing XForms by-hand, instead
of using Form Builder?


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