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Send Button sample

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Send Button sample

56 posts

Can anyone give me a code sample of implementing a webservice Call in orbeon with the pdf and data XML when pressing the Send Button on a published form.
I have tried some of the samples on the net but it seems that they are out of date...

Thanks for your help..
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Re: Send Button sample

3 posts
Here is an example, of at least getting the primary template to edit a form:

public class OrbeonBuilderPersistenceWebService {

         * Gets the published template
         * @param appName
         * @param formName
         * @param request - HttpServletRequest used to get Session
         * @return -Status HTTP OK, or BAD_REQUEST
         * @throws RestApplicationException
        public String getOrbeonBuilderPublished(@PathParam("AppName") String appName, @PathParam("FormName") String formName, @Context HttpServletRequest request) throws RestApplicationException {

                // For orbeon/library, always use the generic template on Orbeon (this is for the toolbox to show up when editing a template)
                if (formName.equals("library")) {
                        log.debug("***** Orbeon/Library is app specific template, generic and on Orbeon.");
                        throw new RestApplicationException(Response.Status.OK,"");
                        TemplateData data=orbeonService.getTemplateData(formName, null);
                        String dataXml=data.getTemplateData();
                        return dataXml;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new RestApplicationException(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST,e.getMessage());

Here are the integration points:
Integration points:
-- Save the form template (HTTP Methods GET, PUT)
-- Save the form template attachment (HTTP Methods GET, PUT)

-- Save/Get the PUBLISHED template (HTTP Methods GET, PUT)
-- Save/Get the PUBLISHED template DATA (HTTP Methods GET, PUT)
-- Save/Get the PUBLISHED template attachment (HTTP Methods GET, PUT)

And be sure to modify WEB-INF/resources/config/properties-local.xml, and adding your base REST URL:
         <property as="xs:string" name="oxf.fr.persistence.provider.*.*.*" value="test"/>
         <property as="xs:anyURI" name="oxf.fr.persistence.test.uri" value="http://localhost:8080/test/api/orbeon/"/>

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Re: Send Button sample

Erik Bruchez
6632 posts
In reply to this post by javaudvikling
With 4.3 and newer, you can configure a button which sends both, in sequence:

- the XML data
- a link to the PDF


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Re: Send Button sample

56 posts

Thanks for your answers.. but I don't think that i have stated my question correctly.

First I'm new to Orbeon and xpath and understand how it works after discussion in this forum..

What I want to see is a code sample that illustrate how to implement a service call when pressing the Send button and how to define that it should incl. the pdf, xml and e.g. uploaded attachments.
This mean, where do I implement that e.g. in which file/files and the syntax.  

I studied the link and sample code, but have some difficulties...

Thanks in advance..
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Re: Send Button sample

Erik Bruchez
6632 posts
The "Send" button and action currently (with 4.3) can only send the XML data or a URL to the local PDF file. You configure this with properties, as documented here:


We do hope to allow for sending attachments as well at some point, using maybe a multipart POST.

However, if you use the "Save" button, then all attachments are stored into the database. Some users implement their own persistence layer using our API:


I have replied separately to your other question about sample code to implement a service.

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Re: Send Button sample

56 posts
Hi Erik,

Thanks for your answer.

Does this mean that from 4.4 when i press send, the attachments will also not be not saved in DB and only be saved when i press the save button?

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Re: Send Button sample

Alessandro  Vernet
5128 posts
Hi Balatharan,

javaudvikling wrote
Does this mean that from 4.4 when i press send, the attachments will also not be not saved in DB and only be saved when i press the save button?
Right, but I don't think this is new. In 4.3, send is defined as: require-uploads then validate-all then send("oxf.fr.detail.send.success"). And this hasn't changed in 4.4. Or were you referring to something else?

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