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Form Versioning with xf:submission

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Form Versioning with xf:submission

12 posts
Hello All,

We have recently extended the MarkLogic Orbeon Form Runner/Builder Persistence API to support form versioning  I.e by handling "Orbeon-Form-Definition-Version", and it is working properly for form runner save-final and submit process.

However we have some xf:submission in form (xhtml) which also submit the instance xml to the same Runner/Builder Persistence API, and to support them I am trying to access the "Orbeon-Form-Definition-Version" response header, which is sent in the response to the /form/form.xhtml (form definition), in the main xform, but it is not available.

Is there a way to access this "Orbeon-Form-Definition-Version" header in the main xform ?

One option I have is to re-write the XFORM to invoke "process:runProcessByName", which can then invoke the save-final process or submit process, but before doing this refactoring on our xforms, wanted to check if there is another way to get access to this  "Orbeon-Form-Definition-Version" in xf:submission ?


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Re: Form Versioning with xf:submission

Alessandro  Vernet
5128 posts
In reply to this post by bsdang
We had an offline discussion about this with Balvinder, and it seems that the best thing to do this case is to reuse Form Runner's code to call the persistence API, specifically calling process:runProcessByName() from an XForms action.

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