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Displaying list entries

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Displaying list entries

121 posts
Hey all,

I have a search-page in my app. The results are stored in an instance.
Now I want to display this data in a table but not all results should  
be shown because depending on the query it´s possible to reach more  
than hundreds entries...

I would like to show only 20 entries at the same time and something  
like a "show next 20..." trigger should display the next entries.
Right now I have an xforms-repeat that does, what I want and all the  
data is shown but I need this restriction.

And then I have another problem: An entry does have a hierarchy  
structure what leads to a display problem. So what I would love to do  
is when a row is focusedIn/On a detailed version/information of the  
entry is shown(nested).

Please, does anyone have some experience with this?

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RE: Displaying list entries

Ryan Puddephatt-3
149 posts
        To restrict the xforms:repeat create an instance like

<xforms:instance id="position">

Then use

<xforms:repeat nodeset="/path/to/node[position() ge xforms:instance('position')/start][position() le xforms:instance('position')/end]">

As for the nested hierarchy I'm not sure what you mean?



Ryan Puddephatt
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-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: 07 July 2008 10:06
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [ops-users] Displaying list entries

Hey all,

I have a search-page in my app. The results are stored in an instance.
Now I want to display this data in a table but not all results should be shown because depending on the query it´s possible to reach more than hundreds entries...

I would like to show only 20 entries at the same time and something like a "show next 20..." trigger should display the next entries.
Right now I have an xforms-repeat that does, what I want and all the data is shown but I need this restriction.

And then I have another problem: An entry does have a hierarchy structure what leads to a display problem. So what I would love to do is when a row is focusedIn/On a detailed version/information of the entry is shown(nested).

Please, does anyone have some experience with this?

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Re: Displaying list entries

413 posts
In reply to this post by masjab-2
hi Masen,

> And then I have another problem: An entry does have a hierarchy
> structure what leads to a display problem. So what I would love to do is
> when a row is focusedIn/On a detailed version/information of the entry
> is shown(nested).

just put the xforms controls that will display the nested data into a
xforms:group with a predicate that checks if the current row has the focus:

     ref=".[xxforms:index() eq (count(preceding-sibling::*) + 1)]]">
     <!-- Content displayer only if current row has focus -->

I've attached a little sandbox example to demonstrate this.


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Re: Re: Displaying list entries

121 posts

I think this is exactly what I was looking for!

Am 07.07.2008 um 14:58 schrieb Florian Schmitt:

> hi Masen,
>> And then I have another problem: An entry does have a hierarchy  
>> structure what leads to a display problem. So what I would love to  
>> do is when a row is focusedIn/On a detailed version/information of  
>> the entry is shown(nested).
> just put the xforms controls that will display the nested data into  
> a xforms:group with a predicate that checks if the current row has  
> the focus:
> <xforms:group
>    ref=".[xxforms:index() eq (count(preceding-sibling::*) + 1)]]">
>    <!-- Content displayer only if current row has focus -->
> </xforms:group>
> I've attached a little sandbox example to demonstrate this.
> florian
> <repeat.xhtml>
> --
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Re: Re: Re: Displaying list entries

Alex Sharaz-2
23 posts
And it answers my question as well. Many thanks

On 7 Jul 2008, at 15:41, Masen J wrote:

> Florian,
> I think this is exactly what I was looking for!
> THX!!!!=)
> Am 07.07.2008 um 14:58 schrieb Florian Schmitt:
>> hi Masen,
>>> And then I have another problem: An entry does have a hierarchy  
>>> structure what leads to a display problem. So what I would love to  
>>> do is when a row is focusedIn/On a detailed version/information of  
>>> the entry is shown(nested).
>> just put the xforms controls that will display the nested data into  
>> a xforms:group with a predicate that checks if the current row has  
>> the focus:
>> <xforms:group
>>   ref=".[xxforms:index() eq (count(preceding-sibling::*) + 1)]]">
>>   <!-- Content displayer only if current row has focus -->
>> </xforms:group>
>> I've attached a little sandbox example to demonstrate this.
>> HTH
>> florian
>> <repeat.xhtml>
>> --
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Re: Re: Displaying list entries

121 posts
In reply to this post by fl.schmitt(ops-users)
this is working but after the results are returned from the query and  
my tablerows are displayed, the first row does have already a yellow  
Is this because of the xforms:repeat ?
I am asking because I don´t know weather I should display the "hidden"  
information from the first row or not...
Right now it´s not displayed. I think it´s because you have to click  
on it...
But this is not very intuitive to a user or what do you think?

THX for all your help


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Re: Displaying list entries

413 posts

> this is working but after the results are returned from the query and my
> tablerows are displayed, the first row does have already a yellow
> background.
> Is this because of the xforms:repeat ?

Yes - because the default index value of a repeat is 1, the condition in the
xforms:group predicate is true for the first row by default. You can change it
using startindex (XForms 1.1, i'm not sure whether is already working in OF),
but AFAIK you can't "deactivate" it (setting it to null or 0).

> I am asking because I don´t know weather I should display the "hidden"
> information from the first row or not...
> Right now it´s not displayed. I think it´s because you have to click on
> it...
> But this is not very intuitive to a user or what do you think?

that's right - it may be better to place a trigger into each row so the user can
toggle between displaying and hiding additional information.


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