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Binding a constraint with fn:matches and Quantifier

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Binding a constraint with fn:matches and Quantifier


after some trying in vain to implement a constraint using the XPath
Function fn:matches and a numneric quantifier:


to ensure that the field contains only a date with format YYYY-MM-DD, i
found that the curly brackets of the quantifier cause trouble if the
XForms view is a XSLT template. They seem to "get lost" during the
Transformation(?). To "protect" the brackets, they have to be duplicated:


the syntax first metioned works only in static (X)HTML Views. Is there a
way to except the regex from getting changed during transformation?


PS: I know i could bind xs:date as type to use the calendar control, but
my users prefer to enter the date "by hand" or using c&p - it's faster

PPS: I know that the RegEx doesn't ensure in every case that the data is
a valid date... 2007-19-39 as well as 2000-00-00 are accepted, too :-)

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Re: Binding a constraint with fn:matches and Quantifier

Alexander Žaťko

Your problem rung a bell so I searched the archives and found that  
indeed I too encountered the same problem:


I also spent some quality time with this back then and ended up not  
with a less elegant workaround - I just n-plicated the [0-9]  
pattern.   :-)


On Jul 17, 2007, at 1:42 PM, Florian Schmitt wrote:

> Hi,
> after some trying in vain to implement a constraint using the XPath  
> Function fn:matches and a numneric quantifier:
> constraint="matches(.,'^[1-9][0-9]{3}-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]$')"
> to ensure that the field contains only a date with format YYYY-MM-
> DD, i found that the curly brackets of the quantifier cause trouble  
> if the
> XForms view is a XSLT template. They seem to "get lost" during the  
> Transformation(?). To "protect" the brackets, they have to be  
> duplicated:
> constraint="matches(.,'^[1-9][0-9]{{3}}-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]$')"
> the syntax first metioned works only in static (X)HTML Views. Is  
> there a way to except the regex from getting changed during  
> transformation?
> florian
> PS: I know i could bind xs:date as type to use the calendar  
> control, but my users prefer to enter the date "by hand" or using  
> c&p - it's faster
> PPS: I know that the RegEx doesn't ensure in every case that the  
> data is a valid date... 2007-19-39 as well as 2000-00-00 are  
> accepted, too :-)
> --
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Re: Binding a constraint with fn:matches and Quantifier

Erik Bruchez
In reply to this post by fl.schmitt(ops-users)
Florian Schmitt wrote:

> Hi,
> after some trying in vain to implement a constraint using the XPath
> Function fn:matches and a numneric quantifier:
> constraint="matches(.,'^[1-9][0-9]{3}-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]$')"
> to ensure that the field contains only a date with format YYYY-MM-DD, i
> found that the curly brackets of the quantifier cause trouble if the
> XForms view is a XSLT template. They seem to "get lost" during the
> Transformation(?). To "protect" the brackets, they have to be duplicated:
> constraint="matches(.,'^[1-9][0-9]{{3}}-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]$')"
> the syntax first metioned works only in static (X)HTML Views. Is there a
> way to except the regex from getting changed during transformation?
XSLT will process every literal attribute in the stylesheet as an
attribute value template (AVT), and (it seems) without an option to
disable them:


This is why your brackets are apparently "eaten".

As you figured out, you either have to not use XSLT, or escape these


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Re: Binding a constraint with fn:matches and Quantifier

Hi Erik and Alexander,

> XSLT will process every literal attribute in the stylesheet as an
> attribute value template (AVT), and (it seems) without an option to
> disable them:
>   http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt20/#attribute-value-templates
> This is why your brackets are apparently "eaten".
> As you figured out, you either have to not use XSLT, or escape these
> brackets.
thank you for your responses - i've still a lot to learn about XSLT :-)
The Workaround to multiply the RegEx seems to be a viable solution in
that case!


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