2 phases in a xforms:submission

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2 phases in a xforms:submission

María Gil

Is it possible to connect two phases in a same xforms:submission?

I have an xform, and I want to first, obtain an xml of the output, and then send this xml file to a server.

Which is the best form to do so?

Thanks in advance for your help.


María Gil
R&D Engineer
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Re: 2 phases in a xforms:submission

Hank Ratzesberger-2
Hi María,

You can also perform xforms submissions, that is, call REST or even SOAP 
services from XPL.  You can even call XPL from within XFORMS using the 
function xxforms:call-xpl().

I call XPL scripts that create CSV and KML files and then zip them all up 
together and deliver them as an attachment.   Your form isn't required to 
directly hold data that is part of the resulting file you want to create. It
could be only what is necessary to run a query.

Beside those in the user guid, there are a few other processors mentioned here:


On Nov 15, 2010, at 8:58 AM, María Gil wrote:


Is it possible to connect two phases in a same xforms:submission?

I have an xform, and I want to first, obtain an xml of the output, and then send this xml file to a server.

Which is the best form to do so?

Thanks in advance for your help.


R&D Engineer
T: +34 94 641 60 66
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Hank Ratzesberger
Earth Research Institute
University of California, Santa Barbara

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Re: 2 phases in a xforms:submission

Erik Bruchez
In reply to this post by María Gil

I don't think I understand your question. Could you provide details?


2010/11/15 María Gil <[hidden email]>

Is it possible to connect two phases in a same xforms:submission?

I have an xform, and I want to first, obtain an xml of the output, and then send this xml file to a server.

Which is the best form to do so?

Thanks in advance for your help.


R&D Engineer
T: +34 94 641 60 66
M: +34 672 263 122
F: +34 94 431 82 86
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