xxforms:cache/xxforms:shared="application" not scoped application wide

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xxforms:cache/xxforms:shared="application" not scoped application wide

Adrian Baker-3
I've been having a problem in 3.7.1 using xxforms:shared="application" instances. The cached instance seems to be scoped per page, rather than application wide.

For example, I have 30 similar pages, all with a common instance with the same src URI and xxforms:shared="instance". So I should get one hit only to the URI: but instead if I load all the pages I end up with 30 hits. If I reload any of the pages again, the cache then kicks in ok (so at most the URI gets hit 30 times). I haven't worked out what the difference is between the pages to trigger the problem though.
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Re: xxforms:cache/xxforms:shared="application" not scoped application wide

Alessandro Vernet

Adrian Baker wrote
I've been having a problem in 3.7.1 using xxforms:shared="application" instances. The cached instance seems to be scoped per page, rather than application wide.

For example, I have 30 similar pages, all with a common instance with the same src URI and xxforms:shared="instance". So I should get one hit only to the URI: but instead if I load all the pages I end up with 30 hits. If I reload any of the pages again, the cache then kicks in ok (so at most the URI gets hit 30 times). I haven't worked out what the difference is between the pages to trigger the problem though.
This code has been enhanced recently: the attribute has been renamed xxforms:cache="true", and cached submissions don't necessarily have to be readonly anymore (useful when you have a backend service generating your initial empty instance). Would you be able to try this again with a recent nightly build?
