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xs:boolean and input field error

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xs:boolean and input field error


I came around bug of using xs:boolean and input box. When I try to use it in xsl template when generating xforms, then check box is showed as default input box, but if I use it in main template, then it is shown correctly. In attached file you can see both variants. boolean.xhtml
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Re: xs:boolean and input field error

Alessandro Vernet
On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 3:08 AM, Raitis <[hidden email]> wrote:
>  I came around bug of using xs:boolean and input box. When I try to use it in
>  xsl template when generating xforms, then check box is showed as default
>  input box, but if I use it in main template, then it is shown correctly. In
>  attached file you can see both variants.
>  http://www.nabble.com/file/p15891128/boolean.xhtml boolean.xhtml

I fixed 2 things in your example:

* The version attribute was missing on <xsl:stylesheet>.
* It is <xsl:call-template>, not <xsl:call-templates> (additional "s").

After this, I was able to run your example, and both inputs show as
check boxes. This is the expected behavior, as input bound to a
boolean node are rendered by default with check boxes. So essentially,
I was unable to reproduce this. I have attached the update example for

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boolean.xhtml (1K) Download Attachment