My environment is:
tomcat 5.5
jdk 1.5
firefox 3.0.8
For file upload control, in the generated html, I am getting span class as : xforms-upload-state-file
where as I am expecting xforms-upload-state-empty
In view.xhtml:
My model looks like this:
and xform-upload control is:
<xforms:upload id="core.cygwin.home"
navindex="4" ref="/product-state/properties/property[name='core.cygwin.home']/value">
<xforms:label>Cygwin Installation Directory:</xforms:label>
<xforms:filename ref="/product-state/properties/property[name='core.cygwin.home']/value"/>
<xforms:help>Full path to the Cygwin installation directory (Windows only).</xforms:help>
and server generates this:
<label class=" xforms-label" for="core.cygwin.home">Cygwin Installation Directory:</label>
<input class="xforms-upload-select" type="file" name="core.cygwin.home" unselectable="on" tabindex="4">C:/cygwin

<label class=" xforms-help" for="core.cygwin.home">Full path to the Cygwin installation directory (Windows only).</label>
Can you give me some pointers?
with regards