Hi I recently made a change to Orbeon 3.9.0 to allow html5 validation attributes to be passed through xforms:input elements. It turned out to be a fairly minor change and I just needed to add them to the EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTES in XFormsInputControl and all worked well.
However I am now faced with the problem of adding them to the autocomplete component and I'm struggling to get it to work. I changed the autocomplete.xbl:
<xforms:input id="search" ref="instance()/textfield-value" incremental="true" class="fr-autocomplete-search" xbl:attr="tabindex accesskey">
<xforms:input id="search" ref="instance()/textfield-value" incremental="true" class="fr-autocomplete-search" xbl:attr="paxforms:required tabindex accesskey">
Adding one of my custom attributes (also added namespace..) but it didn't pass it through. Can you explain how I can pass custom attributes from the xform through, here is what I am defining in the xform:
<fr:autocomplete paxforms:required="some value" dynamic-itemset="false">
Thanks for your help,