Re: textarea control content export to file or copy to clipboard

Posted by Romek on

I discussed today morning this requirement with my business and i think its impossible to meet this requirement in easy way. 
When user receive a form, so he has this process on his process list, he click and first he see a "detail form" - one and the same in whole process no matter where we are in a process model, with button lead him to task form. 
detail form.png
Whole detail form is read only. I've found this css in detail form source but even when I delete this still detail form is read only. So I think this is property of a system i use and i cannon change the system code. 

SPAN.xforms-readonly INPUT.xforms-input-input,

                SPAN.xforms-readonly textarea[disabled],

                SPAN.xforms-readonly select[disabled]


                  font-weight: bold; background-color: white;


                SPAN.xforms-readonly select[disabled]


                  padding-top: 0px;


In form builder I have by default two buttons: rest button and action button. I dont know are they in orbeon by default or product supplier added it. Testing what can i do i added this buttons to detail form but in runner I dont see it. So i cannon use it in detail form - sth cut it. 

Thats why i dont know how to bite it and is it possible to met this requirement. 

Best regards

On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 11:16 PM Alessandro Vernet <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Romek,

I understand; and I'm sorry I missed that the field was readonly from your
first message. Are you saying that ideally you'd like to have a button next
to the text that users can click to have that text copied to their
clipboard? If so, you were saying that the section was readonly; is this
done by making it readonly in the Section Settings, or by some other way?


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