building a hierarchy of xform instances

Posted by DL on

I'm revisiting orbeon after a long break .. so I have to catch up on basics.

My question: Are there any orbeon tutorials for building a hierarchical tree of xform instances?
(I've searched the forum and wiki).

Typical attributes of tree structure:-

- about 8-10 or more levels of hierarchy of xform instances (tree branch node)

- about 4-6 child nodes per tree branch node

- various attributes and raters to be edited in each xform instance (there will be hundreds of tree nodes)

- multiple users contributing content to the tree structure (via Drupal not Liferay) as a wiki model

- each parent node in the view on click will navigate up to the next higher level in tree.

- each child node in the view on click will navigate down to the next lower level in tree.


The nearest orbeon example I've studied might be "bookcast in a hierarchy".
i.e. each top book in orbeon bookcast example would be a branch node in the tree
and beneath this parent node would be added child nodes.

I've read this ..
