Re: XForm to HTML conversion using API

Posted by Erik Bruchez on


As I understand it you are asking two different questions:

1. Can you embed the form in your app?
2. Can you just run HTML, without the Orbeon Forms runtime?

Please let me know if I misunderstood.

On #1:

Currently embedding of Orbeon Forms forms (including those generated
by Form Builder) is limited to portlets and the TYPO3 extension. Some
customers have written their own embedding code, partly based on the
documentation here:

Embedding and Proxying Orbeon Forms

So we don't have an embedding API at this time, but it would be great
to have one.

On #2, some posts on the need for a runtime in Orbeon Forms:

So no, you can't just convert the form to HTML and expect it to run.
The runtime is needed.

#1 can and should be addressed better in the future. #2 is a non-starter.

For now you can use iframes (not great we know), or load forms side by
side with other pages in your app. That is certainly possible.


On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 9:04 PM, JigarJoshi <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to use Orbeon's form builder to build up the forms and In my app I
> want to show them so is there any api support available in orbeon using
> which I can convert stored xform (built by form builder) to HTML and render
> it as a part of my application
> -
> Newbie
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