Error Message [No error message provided.]

Posted by jfmoreno on


 Thank you for your help, Alex.

   Before to integrate the Orbeon XForms engine in ours web applications, i'm trying to process my XForms in your Example Applications, by deploy these ones in a directory of Tomcat (..\webapps\orbeon\WEB-INF\resources\apps). The page-flow.xml archive has this configuration:

 <config xmlns=""

       <page path-info="*" view="adok.xhtml"/>
       <epilogue url="oxf:/config/epilogue.xpl"/>


 .. where adok.xhtml (a fragment infra) is my xform.

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC
 "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

 <html xmlns=""


 <title>XForm ADOK</title>

 <link href="stylesheets/SGACC_xsl.css" rel="stylesheet"/> <link
 href="stylesheets/igae-xforms.css" rel="stylesheet"/>

 <script type="text/javascript"> var popup_lista = function(listname) {'listas/'+listname+'.xhtml', listname, "height=200,width=200,menubar=no,status=no") } </script>
 <xforms:model id="igae">

 <xforms:instance id="main"
 <xforms:instance id="ac"
 <xforms:instance id="pt"
 <xforms:instance id="pm"

 <xforms:bind nodeset="//cbc:IssueDate" type="xsd:date" /> 
 <xforms:action ev:event="xforms-ready">
        <xforms:setfocus control="doctype"/>
        <xforms:setvalue ref="//cbc:IssueDate"
 value="substring-before(now(), 'T')"/> </xforms:action>
 <xforms:bind id="0000-t" nodeset="//cac:Operation/cbc:TypeCode"/>

 <xforms:bind id="0104" nodeset="//cac:Accounting/cbc:AccountingDate"
 /> <xforms:bind id="0017" nodeset="//cac:Accounting/cbc:ID" /> 
 <xforms:bind id="0118" nodeset="//cac:Accounting/cbc:PaymentDate" />

 <xforms:bind id="0001"
 nodeset="//cac:AccountingParty/cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID" /> 
 <xforms:bind id="0001-name"

 id="0006" nodeset="//cac:Accounting/cbc:PreviousOperationID"
 constraint="string-length(.) &lt; 17"/>

 .. and more in the attached file (adok.xhtmladok.xhtml)

 When I click the link of my xform, Orbeon responds with the following error:

 Error Message
 [No error message provided.]

 Call Stack
 Resource URL Line Column Description XML Element
 oxf:/config/xforms-widgets.xsl 27 N/A running XForms action action
 name ? {}setfocus
 running XForms action
 action name ? {}action
 dispatching XForms event
 event ? xforms-ready
 target id ? igae
 initializing XForms containing document <xforms:setfocus
 control="doctype" id="xforms-element-8"/> <xforms:action
 ev:event="xforms-ready" id="xforms-element-7">...</xforms:action>
 oxf:/ops/pfc/xforms-epilogue.xpl 122 68 reading processor output name
 ? document id ? xhtml-data  <p:output name="document"
 id="xhtml-data"/> oxf:/ops/pfc/xforms-epilogue.xpl 128 67 reading
 processor output name ? data ref ? xformed-data  <p:output name="data"
 ref="xformed-data"/> oxf:/config/epilogue.xpl 44 58 reading processor
 output name ? xformed-data id ? xformed-data  <p:output
 name="xformed-data" id="xformed-data"/> 
 oxf:/config/epilogue-servlet.xpl 31 48 reading processor output name ?
 xformed-data <p:param type="input" name="xformed-data"/> 
 oxf:/config/epilogue.xpl 62 46 executing processor name ?
 {}pipeline <p:processor
 oxf:/apps/telconxml/page-flow.xml 19 47 executing processor name ?
 oxf:/page-flow.xml 44 106 reading page model data output page id ?
 apps model ? apps/${1}/page-flow.xml  <page id="apps"
 path-info="/([^/]+)/.*" matcher="oxf:perl5-matcher"

 Java Exceptions (5 total)


 .. and Java Exceptions

 I would appreciate it tells me that might be the problem.
 Thank you very much. Greetings.

P.S.: We have also sent a message to

    We are interested in your training and support services, and we wanted to know if these services are supplied in Spain, specifically Madrid.
   Estamos interesados en vuestros servicios de formación y soporte, y queríamos saber si los ofreceis en España, concretamente en Madrid.