xform:setfocus for redirecting the page

Posted by Prameela R on
URL: https://discuss.orbeon.com/xform-setfocus-for-redirecting-the-page-tp42966.html




   <xforms:setfocus ev:event="xforms-ready" control="_eventdetails_WAR_eventdetails_redirector" />/* liferay id*/


<xforms:setfocus ev:event="xforms-ready" control="redirector" />


<xforms:trigger id="redirector" appearance="minimal">   

                        <xforms:label>Add </xforms:label>

                        <xforms:action ev:event="DOMFocusIn" if="instance('createdby-instance')/loginuser = 'false'">

                            <xforms:load resource="http://localhost:8080/web/guest/home" />


            </xforms: trigger>


I wanted to redirect the page depending on the user login. <xforms:setfocus is working fine with orbeon.But

When I integrated with liferay, it is not working.What could be the wrong?


Do we have any other method to redirect?.




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