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Ethereal on
I have made a success page (xforms) that parses certain information* from the xml data being sent to it from forms created with Orbeon Form Builder (and ran by Orbeon Form Runner).
*(A form specific "success text", that's stored in a hidden section)
The FR is configured so that after clicking 'send' on the summary page it sends a notification mail for the customer based on email he/she provides and a copy to customer services. The emails are being sent and the success page is displayed correctly with the intended information.
However the emails sent do not contain nothing but a default confirmation text (not any data from the form). I would like to have a summary of the data provided by the user with the email.
Question 1) Is there a way to configure this somehow, so that the email body contains the summary (same data as on the summary page)?
One possible solution would be to attach a pdf with the emails, which seem to contain same data as on the summary page.
I can get the pdfs attached by changing this line from our properties-local.xml
<property as="xs:boolean" name="*.*" value="false"/>
from false to true.
But now the success page won't work as it seems that the data is sent for the success page in a pdf-file also (and it can't parse it by default)!?
Question 2) How do I prevent FR from sending the pdf to success page, but include it with the email?
I found one possible solution (hack) for this too. I could use the pdf-extraction-processor on the success page: since the pdf emailed does not contain the hidden fields from the forms, I would suspect that neither will the pdf sent for the success page, so I haven't even tried this option yet.
Then one more thing we would like to be able to do is to specify the email body (or pdf) contents completely in the form created with the Orbeon Form Builder (just to select some specific information to display in the email/pdf).
Question 3) There is an option "Show in Summary" with the form fields. If I leave this unselected I would expect that the information is not included on the summary page nor in the pdf generated for the email, yet there it is. Is this a bug?
Question 4) Also if there is a hidden field on the form and I select the option "Show in Summary" for it, I would assume it would be then shown on the summary (and pdf). But it is not. Is this also a bug?
There is one more thing we may need to do with the emails. This is to send distinct emails for the customer and for the customer services.
For this I found an older posting from which I understood that this isn't possible.
(Putting this info here just as a note.)
Question 5) Just checking if this this is still true that there is no way to send two distinct emails from a single form (made with form builder)?
The solution for all our problems would be using "hand made" xforms applications, maybe with some custom Java servlets... Something I could live with...
Unfortunately our regular (to-be) Orbeon users have limited technical skills, thus trying to teach them to use xforms may be a bit too much (not even to speak about making Java services). Therefore it would be nice if there would be some way to accomplish these things right from the Orbeon Form Builder.