Re[2]: Opera Support
Posted by
BitByter on
May 18, 2007; 9:14am
Hello Erik,
Wednesday, May 16, 2007, 6:31:24 PM, you wrote:
> Things should just work out of the box in Opera. There are some
> restrictions, like the HTML area
> (xforms:textarea[@mediatype="text/html"]), and xforms:range. The rest
> should work.
> What version of Opera are you using? Do the Orbeon Forms examples work
> with it?
I'm using Opera 9.21 and the Orbeon Forms example work, too. Even my purist
XForms app worked within a minimal JSP page. After moving the that minimal
XForms to a larger JSP page it does no longer work within Opera, but still
works with Firefox and IE. :(
Unfortunately the Opera error/javascript console doesn't open when I click
it in the menu. So I can't check for any JavaScript errors.
- bitbyter
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