Re: HTML character encoding

Posted by Hank Ratzesberger on

One option is to specify a document type to pick up
the entity references. e.g.:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


Quoting BitByter <[hidden email]>:

> Hi,
> I'm using XForms within JSP/JSF pages with Orbeon Forms. Now my problem is
> that Orbeon Forms seems to not allow the usage of specially encoded
> characters like "&nbsp;", "&copy;" or those for the german umlauts
> ("&auml;", "&ouml;" and "&uuml;").
> Whenever such an encoded character is used, Orbeon Forms complains "Fatal
> error: The entity "ouml" was referenced, but not declared.".
> And it seems it doesn't matter whether the character is used as element or
> attribute value.
> Wheres when those special characters are encoded numerically (e.g. "&#196;"
> instead of "&Auml;"), everything works fine.
> Now my problem is, that I have to use JSP/JSF taglibs that produce such
> specially encoded characters, thus I can't avoid them.
> So I'd like to know if this is a bug in Orbeon Forms, and
> if there is a workaround for this problem.
> Hope someone can help!
> - bitbyter

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