Re: HTML character encoding

Posted by Erik Bruchez on

BitByter wrote:

> Hello Joseph,
> Friday, May 11, 2007, 11:10:38 AM, you wrote:
>> Hello Bitbyter,
>>             try declaring entities on top of your page as follows:
>>   <!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet [
>> <!ENTITY nbsp "&#x00A0;">
> I'll give that a try. But is this a bug in Orbeon Forms?
XML itself does not support HTML entities except &quot;, &lt; and &gt;.
Orbeon Forms reads your document as XML so does not have any other HTML
entities available.

Now you raise a good point, which is that if you do specify an XHTML
DOCTYPE, Orbeon Forms should ideally load the DTD and the associated
entities. But this is not done at present.


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