Re: custom processor libraries?
Posted by
Erik Bruchez on
Yes, this has been hanging in the air for a very long time. The solution
is very likely OSGi / JSR-291: don't hold your breath about seeing this in Orbeon Forms soon unless
somebody volunteers to implement it ;-)
Adrian Baker wrote:
> Ok - perhaps this could be considered a possible desireable feature
> then? For example, if I need to talk to two different web services using
> different versions of axis.
> Adrian
> Erik Bruchez wrote:
>> The Axis library in Orbeon Forms is only used by the oxf:delegation
>> processor. You may be able to drop a new library without any problem
>> at all, but at worst this should only break oxf:delegation.
>> You can't have a library which is "private" to a processor. Everything
>> is loaded by the same class loader.
>> -Erik
>> Adrian Baker wrote:
>>> Is it possible to have specific libraries for a custom processor?
>>> More specifically, we have someone trying to write a custom
>>> processor to talk to a web service (because constructing the WS XML
>>> in XSLT is too fiddly), and a specific version of axis is required
>>> which conflicts with the one shipped in Orbeon.
>>> Adrian
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