Re: Re[2]: Editing XForms With Eclipse
Posted by
Daniel E. Renfer on
My XForms documents don't contain any JSP, but what I've been doing is
using OxygenXML plugin [1] to edit my XML-based files and then use the
schema files from the xH set. [2]
I've had to modify the files a little bit to get them working the way
I wanted. It seems like Mark Birbeck hasn't really been updating them
too frequently. Using these files, I've been able to both validate my
XForms and have tag completion.
Daniel E. Renfer 4/26/07, Alessandro Vernet <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> On 4/26/07, Bit Byter <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> > Of course I've tried that, but with the same result. It's very
> > strange... :( Maybe I've to give Eclipse 3.3 a chance?!
> I don't have much experience with using Eclipse as an XML editor. You
> may want to try to ask the question on one of the Eclipse mailing
> lists.
> Alex
> --
> Orbeon Forms - Web 2.0 Forms for the Enterprise
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