Posted by
BitByter on
Wednesday, April 25, 2007, 2:09:50 AM, Alex wrote:
AV> Yes, I think your analysis is correct. I am looking at our code and I
AV> don't see us passing the authentication information when we load the
AV> schema. Would it be possible for you to create a small war file that
AV> we can use to reproduce this problem? Otherwise of course a workaround
AV> is to setup your filter so authentication is not required to access
AV> *.xsd files.
I'll try to package a very small exmaple WAR that shows the problem.
But that might take a few days as I'm currently bussy with other
things. As you suggested I'm filtering the XSD files in the security
servlet filter as a workaround.
Currently I don't know how you might pass authentication information
when retrieving resource from the "seperately deployed" web app.
Probably Orbeon Form needs to pass session information/ID when doing
such things. Maybe you guys got a good idea how to do this? :)
- bitbyter
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