> Hi Orbeons,
> I'm using the latest Orbeon Forms nightly build in an "seperate deployment".
> My own web app which contains the XForms requires authentication, which
> means the user first has to log in before using it.
> The security is implemented in a servlet filter, which checks for a valid
> credential in the users session. If a valid credential is present, simply
> the next servlet filter is called in the chain. If no valid credential is
> available, the user is forwarded to a login page - to obtain a new, valid
> credential.
> Now my problem is that I can't reference any XSD schema in my XForms page
> like <xforms:model schema="schema.xsd">. When I do so, I get the following
> error page from Orbeon Forms:
> Orbeon Forms - Error Page
> Error Message
> The following error has occurred:
> Error Message
> White spaces are required between publicId and systemId.
> Orbeon Forms Call Stack
> The Orbeon Forms Call Stack helps you determine what sequence of Orbeon Forms operations have caused the error. Resource URL Line Column Description XML Element
http://localhost:9090/mywebapp/xforms/bookcast/schema.xsd 13 63
> oxf:/ops/pfc/xforms-epilogue.xpl 114 71 reading processor output (name='document', ref='xformed-data')
> oxf:/config/epilogue.xpl 41 58 reading processor output (name='xformed-data', id='xformed-data')
> oxf:/config/epilogue-servlet.xpl 30 48 reading processor output (name='xformed-data')
> oxf:/config/epilogue.xpl 59 46 executing processor (name='{
http://www.orbeon.com/oxf/processors}pipeline') ...
> oxf:/ops/xforms/xforms-renderer.xpl 32 38 executing processor (name='{
http://www.orbeon.com/oxf/processors}pipeline') ...
> Java Exceptions (4 total)
> Java Exceptions are the native mechanism by which Orbeon Forms reports errors. More than one exception may be provided below but usually the first exception along with the Orbeon Forms Stack Trace above provide enough information to track down an issue. org.orbeon.oxf.common.ValidationException
> Exception Class org.orbeon.oxf.common.ValidationException
> Message White spaces are required between publicId and systemId.
> Resource URL
http://localhost:9090/mywebapp/xforms/bookcast/schema.xsd> Line 13
> Column 63
> Servlet Stack Trace
> (110 method calls) Class Name Method Name File Name Line Number
> org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.XFormsModelSchemaValidator$MSVGrammarReaderController error XFormsModelSchemaValidator.java 104
> com.sun.msv.reader.Controller error Controller.java 49
> com.sun.msv.reader.Controller error Controller.java 61
> com.sun.msv.reader.Controller fatalError Controller.java 57
> orbeon.apache.xerces.util.ErrorHandlerWrapper fatalError ErrorHandlerWrapper.java 218
> orbeon.apache.xerces.impl.XMLErrorReporter reportError XMLErrorReporter.java 384
> orbeon.apache.xerces.impl.XMLErrorReporter reportError XMLErrorReporter.java 314
> orbeon.apache.xerces.impl.XMLScanner reportFatalError XMLScanner.java 1436
> orbeon.apache.xerces.impl.XMLScanner scanExternalID XMLScanner.java 1024
> orbeon.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentScannerImpl scanDoctypeDecl XMLDocumentScannerImpl.java 588
> Maybe I also should mention that I use client side state hadling for Orbeon
> Forms, as server side state handling does not work for some reason with my
> web app.
> I assume Orbeon Forms tries to load the XSD schema from my web app, but
> fails as it does not own a valid credential, thus receives the login page
> instead of the XSD schema and of course fails parsing it.
> When I omit the schema attribute in the <xforms:model/> element, the XForms
> page loads correctly.
> Is my assumption for the reason of this error correct? Does anybody have an
> idea how to solve that problem?
> - bitbyter
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