> Hi Team,
> I recently tried to view my xforms app in Safari (1.3.2) and was surprised
> to find that every xform interaction produces the following error message:
> Error while processing response: Value undefined (result of expression
> this._http_header.hasOwnProperty) is not object.
> This error also occurred when I viewed the www.orbeon.com demo pages as
> well.
> A bit of Google searching found this page:
> <
http://phrogz.net/JS/hasOwnProperty.html> which indicates that "Safari (up
> to and including version 2.0) does not support this method."
> I found this workaround on a blog
> <
> if( !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty )
> {
> Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty = function( property )
> {
> try
> {
> var prototype = this.constructor.prototype;
> while( prototype )
> {
> if( prototype[ property ] == this[ property ] )
> {
> return false;
> }
> prototype = prototype.prototype;
> }
> } catch( e ) {}
> return true;
> }
> }
> I also notice YAHOO.lang provides a hasOwnProperty function. Maybe you can
> switch over to using this (or modify your supported browser statement).
> Chris.
> --
> ----------------------
> Chris Bailey
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