Re: WebSphere 5.1/6.1 errors

Posted by Alessandro Vernet on

Hi Pavel,

The issue you're having on WebSphere 5.1 is likely to be due to a
class conflict. The class DefaultHandler2 comes with SAX2, and maybe
WebSphere 5.1 comes with SAX1 and those classes get used by default.
Is using WebSphere 6 an option for you? If it is, I would go this

For the additional "/", I can't seem to be able to reproduce this. I
am tracing the Ajax requests, but don't see any additional "/". Are
you getting this just when going to Orbeon Forms examples that ship
with Orbeon Forms?


On 4/16/07, Pavel Jbanov <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm evaluating the OPS... I've deployed version on
> WebSphere 5.1 Express and got this error on startup:
>  java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/xml/sax/ext/DefaultHandler2
> I then tried to deploy on WebSphere, there are no errors on
> startup but I get "Unexpected response received from server" on all
> pages, and according to FireBug the response is an OPS "error page"
> saying "... <h1>Orbeon Forms - Page Not Found</h1> <p>We are sorry, but
> the resource you have requested is not available on this server.</p>
> ...". There are no errors in the logs (SystemOut/Err).
> It looks like the problems is that the XHR url is
> "http://localhost:9080/ops//xforms-server", i.e. with an extra slash...
> manually removing it makes the xforms-server work properly (AFAICT). I
> have no idea where it comes from, this is first time I ever tried ops
> and I'm doing a very default installation. Any suggestions are appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Pavel
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