Re: Inserting an attribute with xforms:insert

Posted by Larry T. Chen on


I've been using this sort of insert with nodeset pointing to an element.  I'm basically trying to create an attribute on an element if it doesn't already have that attribute.  Should nodeset be pointing to an attribute instead?  But then wouldn't it be impossible to insert an attribute if it doesn't already exist?


Alessandro Vernet wrote:
Hi Larry,

Yes, there were changes very recently in the specification related to
the <xforms:insert>. In your example, what does nodeset point to? Is
it another attribute or an element?


On 3/12/07, Larry T. Chen [hidden email] wrote:
Hi All,

Inserting an attribute using something like

<xforms:insert nodeset="." position="after" at="1"

used to work in the nightly builds some weeks before the 3.5 release.
Since I upgraded to the 3.5 release, insert actions of this sort stopped
Does anybody know if there was a change to the specs of how
xforms:insert works?  Am I missing something in the insert action?


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