> Hi Erik,
> If model item properties could still be applied to xxforms-readonly
> instances this would expand the number of scenarios it could be used in.
> For example, we use forms containing only xf:outputs to present data,
> but we still need the datatype & relevance properties to present the
> data correctly.
> However I suppose in implementing full MIP support you might lose the
> performance gain of xxforms-readonly, which is the whole point.. ?
> Adrian
> Erik Bruchez wrote:
>> Doug,
>> Well, hard to say if it's really a feature, but the answer is that at
>> the moment you can't use model item properties with a read-only instance:
>> -Erik
>> Doug Young wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> We have a problem when we set a xxforms:readonly instance to be bind
>>> readonly I know it seems an odd thing to do but it happens in our
>>> application when we want to make a printable version of the page we
>>> set all the instances to readonly,
>>> Is this a bug or a feature ?
>>> Also it would be really helpful if the “Cannot modify read-only
>>> instance” message told you which instance it was.
>>> The attached file shows the problem.
>>> regards
>>> Doug
>>> Doug Young
>>> Software Engineer
>>> Teleflex IT
>>> 1 Michaelson Square
>>> Livingston
>>> West Lothian
>>> Scotland
>>> EH54 7DP
>>> +44 (0) 1506 407107
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