
Posted by Zsolt Czinkos-2 on
URL: https://discuss.orbeon.com/xforms-server-submit-tp33039.html


I created a very simple application. I put it under the resources/apps directory in the ops example application distribution.

Maybe a simple question, but I couldn't find out, what the problem is.

I have a list page with items on it. Every item is a link (minimal xforms submit). When I click on the link, I'd like to get an item view page. Instead of this, I get the welcome page back with an url /ops/xforms-server-submit (and not /ops/123/item as I expected).

Models are simple xml files not XPL-s now.

See the files below.

Thanks for your help



<config xmlns=" http://www.orbeon.com/oxf/controller">

    <page path-info="/123/" view="welcome.xhtml"/>

    <page id="list-page" path-info="/123/list" model=" list.xml" view="list.xsl">
      <action when="/item-ids/item-id != ''">
        <result page="item-page" />
    <page id="item-page" path-info="/123/item" model="item.xml" view="item.xsl" />
    <epilogue url="oxf:/config/epilogue.xpl"/>


<html xsl:version="2.0"
      xmlns=" http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
  <title>List view</title>
      <item-ids xmlns="">
       <item-id />
    <xforms:submission id="item-view-submission" action="." method="post" />
  <h1><xsl:value-of select="/list/@name" /></h1>
   <xsl:for-each select="//item">
         [id: <xsl:value-of select="@id" />]
        <xforms:submit submission="item-view-submission" appearance="minimal">
           <xforms:setvalue ref="item-id"><xsl:value-of select="@id" /></xforms:setvalue>
           <xforms:label><xsl:value-of select="property[@name='name']" /></xforms:label>:
        <xsl:value-of select="property[@name='data']" />

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