Orbeon Forms 3.5 - xforms:help

Posted by Tanya Gray (Oxford) on
URL: https://discuss.orbeon.com/Orbeon-Forms-3-5-xforms-help-tp33030.html

Further to installation of OF 3.5, the xforms:help elements in my input forms are displayed as 'Help' text instead of an image. Is there an explanation for why this is the case? I looked to update the config/xforms.css file to add a background image to the .xforms-help-image class, however, the help text is still displayed.

Also, I have found that some of my XQuery statements are no longer executed correctly in the xml-db processor (previously working with OPS 3.1), e.g. $x//element-name
- this no longer returns matching elements and needs to be changed to: $x//*[./name() eq 'element-name']
Anyone know why this might be?

thank you

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