RE: Limiting the selections in an xforms:select

Posted by Ryan Puddephatt on

        The selected items are stored in one element with a comma space
'1','2' etc. as I recall

Count(tokenize(/some/element,',')) should get you the number of currently
selected items, you should be able to make the bind xpath from that


Ryan Puddephatt
Software Engineer

Teleflex Group - IT UK
1 Michaelson Square
West Lothian
EH54 7DP

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>-----Original Message-----
>From: Chris Bailey [mailto:[hidden email]]
>Sent: 21 February 2007 17:04
>To: [hidden email]
>Subject: [ops-users] Limiting the selections in an xforms:select
>A quick xforms question....
>I was wondering if there any way of restricting the number of
>selections that can be made with an xforms:select?
>I would like to allow users to, say, select between 2 and 5
>choices from a selection box or list. Is there a pure way of
>doing this (with something like an xforms:bind) or do I have
>to use a repeating group, move items to that group and
>implement the restrictions myself?

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