>-----Original Message-----
[hidden email] [mailto:
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>Sent: 13 February 2007 15:20
[hidden email]
>Subject: Re: Re: [ops-users] apostroph in group-separator
>> Ryan :
>> I think you need to escape it (')
>I've already try it but ' is not escaped :'o(
><xforms:output ref="/double" xxforms:format="format-number(.,
>'###'##0.00')" /> ==> unmatched quote in expression
>> Erik :
>> translate is your friend
>And with translate I've try this :
><xforms:output ref="/double"
>xxforms:format="translate(format-number(., '###,##0.00'), '''" />
>and this
><xforms:output ref="/double"
>xxforms:format="translate(format-number(., '###,##0.00'), '" />
>but I receive always "unmatched expression" : the '
>cannot be escaped and there is no way of calling a variable as
>in xslt...
>In XSL we can have variable and it works (as I said in the
>first post) but I need to use the @xxforms:format...
>Here with xsl it works but How can I do the same in the
>@xxforms:format (call a variable) <xsl:template name="displayMoney">
> <xsl:param name="number" select="0"/>
> <xsl:variable name="apos">'</xsl:variable>
> <xsl:value-of select="translate(format-number($number,
>'###,###,###.00 CHF'), ',', $apos)"/> </xsl:template>
>And I've even try to have the ' character in my XFormsInstance
>(!) and call it in the translate function but : an empty
>sequence is not allowed as the third argument of translate()...
>The only solution I've found is to use the 4 character in state of '...
>But if you find a solution, I'm interested in.