Liferay, Portlet deployment end development: Basic questions
Posted by
Sebastian Kraus/INPLUS/DE on
atm I try to understand OPS (a nightly
built of 03.01.2007) in combination with liferay portal.
Liferay works well and I implemented
some demo jsp portlets and deployed them successfully.
I also were able to run some of the
orbeon examples as portlet, but not all. I think I did not understand the
deployment mechanism completly.
So here some questions (I know this
are a lot. So please tell me, if I should open several threads)
1. Deployment
installing liferay I had several folders in the webapps folder. I think
"ROOT" is the important one.
deployed the ops.war so ops runs as normal (localhost:8080/ops)
deploy an ops portlet I defined it in the portlet.xml and web.xml of ops
and added
in liferay-portlet-ext. xml
this the common way of deployment or should I deploy the ops.war with hot
deploy functionality of liferay (which did not work when I tried)?
2. Defining and using Orbeon applications
as portlets
mentioned above easy deployment of existing ops applications were only
possible with some.
Examples where "path-info" is set to"*" or "/"
in the pageflow.xml works fine (f.e. <page path-info="*" view="calc.xhtml"/>
of calculator application)
In the TODO example I had to change
<page path-info="/xforms-todo/"
<page path-info="/" view="view.xhtml"/>
The page info <page path-info="/xforms-todo/format-instance"
view="format-instance.xpl"/> I did not touch.
Otherwise a "Condition failed for every
branch of choose" error occurs.
But the gif's, defined in the view.xhtm I
can not see. Seems to me that a path like src="../apps/xforms-todo/images/edit.gif"
does not work.
the "forms" example did not run at all. Changing the path-info
to "/" or "*" did not help. I even do not know, which
path-info I should change there.
does the path-info mechanism works? Did I specify something wrong? The
only place where a reference to the pageflow.xml is set is inside the portlet
tag in portlet.xml
4. How can I achive the following?
want to write a portlet with following functionality.
portlet should appear in the main portal window holding informations of
the latest tasks a user has to do next. When the user clicks on a task,
a full sized window appears, where he can insert
some comments etc..
should be also a redirect button to the main portal page.
is the best way to achieve this? I have two ways in mind but dont know
which one works or which is the best.
I write two portlets. One for the tasklist, one for the details. The problem
is, how the portlets can communicate. I read that jsr-168 can not communicate
between each other. I this right? Is it also not
possible that one portlet leads
to another?
I write one Portlet and deploy it inside the main window. I click on a
task opens just a new window. Sounds pretty easy but I dont know how navigate
back to the main portal window?
Many thanks for all answers
Best regards
Sebastian Kraus
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