RE: validate = false

Posted by Ryan Puddephatt on

I don't think you can do this, only certain fields allow AVTs, one solution
is to create two submissions one true one false and call

Then do something like

<xforms:send submission="submit_model_Document_true"
        if="xxforms:instance('url')/validate = 'true'"/>
<xforms:send submission="submit_model_Document_false"
        if="xxforms:instance('url')/validate = 'false'"/>

Hope this helps


Ryan Puddephatt
Software Engineer

Teleflex Group - IT UK
1 Michaelson Square
West Lothian
EH54 7DP

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>-----Original Message-----
>From: Colin Seaman [mailto:[hidden email]]
>Sent: 24 January 2007 15:07
>To: [hidden email]
>Subject: [ops-users] validate = false
>I'm trying to dynamically set the validate="false" attribute
>on my XForms submission, but it seems I'm unable to do so.
>I have the code:
><xforms:submission id="submit_model_Document"

>method="post" validate="{xxforms:instance('url')/validate}" />
>with the value of instance('url')/validate equalling "false",
>but it appears that this doesn't work.
>Does the fact that this value is set automatically mean that
>the value of "validate" equals true...??
>How can I achieve this?
>Colin Seaman
>Senior Developer
>Tradocs Ltd,
>Tower Point,
>44 North Road,
>BN1 1YR
>email:     [hidden email]
>skype:     colin,seaman
>telephone: 0870-1417031
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