Re: validate = false
Posted by
Colin Seaman on
Thanks guys.
I've gone with Ryan's solution at the moment but look forward to AVT
support! :-)
For other people's benefit, here's my working code:
<xforms:action ev:event="DOMActivate">
<xforms:send submission="submit_model_Document_false"
if="xxforms:instance('url')/validate = 'false'"/>
<xforms:send submission="submit_model_Document_true"
if="xxforms:instance('url')/validate = 'true'"/>
Colin Seaman
Senior Developer
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Erik Bruchez wrote:
@validate does not support AVTs at the moment, in other words it must
be static, i.e. validate="false" or validate="true". I added an RFE to
enhance this:
Colin Seaman wrote:
I'm trying to dynamically set the validate="false" attribute on my
XForms submission, but it seems I'm unable to do so.
I have the code:
<xforms:submission id="submit_model_Document"
method="post" validate="{xxforms:instance('url')/validate}" />
with the value of instance('url')/validate equalling "false", but it
appears that this doesn't work.
Does the fact that this value is set automatically mean that the value
of "validate" equals true...??
How can I achieve this?
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