> Erik,
> I am attaching an XFDL along with the screen shot of the form (ie, how
> the form looks like when we run it using IBM Workplace Forms viewer).
> This XFDL has XForms controls for which it has non-xforms properties
> such as item location, datatype, etc. I need to convert this XFDL to
> XForms so that when I run it in Orbeon, I should get the same look and
> feel (with proper datatype, alignment and size of controls, background
> color etc). I have written an XSL to transform this, but it involves
> much coding and I could not do transformation for all the properties.
> Please find the attached XFDL and the screenshot of the form which uses
> this XFDL.
> Your help would be much appreciated.
> Thanks
> Jency
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Erik Bruchez [mailto:
[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Erik Bruchez
> Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 4:01 PM
> To:
[hidden email]
> Subject: Re: [ops-users] XFDL Integration
> Jency,
> As you noticed Orbeon Forms does not support XFDL, or even converting
> from XFDL to XHTML, out of the box.
> The big question to me is not so much whether to use XSLT or not to
> perform the conversion: there is a good chance that using XSLT,
> especially 2.0, will give you all the flexibility you need to perform
> the conversion.
> But not knowing XFDL well, I can't tell you whether it is possible to do
> a perfect conversion from XFDL + XForms to XHTML + XForms, what are the
> trade-offs, etc.
> If you could send to the list a short but telling example of a very
> specific issue you are encountering, this could help.
> (And if you have trouble with this conversion and can't manage to go
> forward, remember that Orbeon provides support services and that we
> would be happy to help you.)
> -Erik
> Jency Chackummoottil wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >
> >
> > I'm using IBM Workplace Forms Designer tool to create some eForms.
> > Workplace Forms are written in an XML syntax called XFDL (eXtensible
> > Forms Description Language), and support the XForms standard. Ie,
> > certain controls are written in xforms. My application is in orbeon. I
> > need to convert this XFDL to XHTML + XForms so that I could run
> directly
> > in Orbeon. Now I have written an xpl which does an xsl transform to
> the
> > input XFDL so that only the required xforms tag are taken from the
> xfdl
> > and create an xhtml using those tags. But this involves a bit
> > complication, because XFDL has not only xforms controls, but also some
> > tags like itemlocation, datatype etc too which does not have the
> xforms
> > namespace. So I feel writing an xsl transform to convert the whole
> > to XForms is complicated.
> >
> >
> >
> > Is there some way to do the same? Would you please provide me the
> sample
> > code too since I'm new to Orbeon.
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Jency
> --
> Orbeon Forms - Web Forms for the Enterprise Done the Right Way
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