XFDL Integration

Posted by Jency Chackummoottil on
URL: https://discuss.orbeon.com/XFDL-Integration-tp32484.html



I’m using IBM Workplace Forms Designer tool to create some eForms. Workplace Forms are written in an XML syntax called XFDL (eXtensible Forms Description Language), and support the XForms standard. Ie, certain controls are written in xforms. My application is in orbeon. I need to convert this XFDL to XHTML + XForms so that I could run directly in Orbeon. Now I have written an xpl which does an xsl transform to the input XFDL so that only the required xforms tag are taken from the xfdl and create an xhtml using those tags. But this involves a bit complication, because XFDL has not only xforms controls, but also some tags like itemlocation, datatype etc too which does not have the xforms namespace. So I feel writing an xsl transform to convert the whole XFDL to XForms is complicated.


Is there some way to do the same? Would you please provide me the sample code too since I’m new to Orbeon.




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