Re: FCK Pasting problem

Posted by Alessandro Vernet on

Hi Ryan,

I don't seem to be able to reproduce this. I am running the
control-xhtml-area example in the XForms sandbox
(/ops/xforms-sandbox/sample/control-xhtml-area), and I can paste text
there just fine with IE6.


On 12/22/06, Ryan Puddephatt <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
>     I'm having problems pasting into an FCK Editor in IE(6&7), I've tried  upgrading to the latest FCK, but the problem is still there. I've also tried the  demo on the FCK website, but the problem doesn't repeat, suggesting this might  be an OF/FCK problem? I have my FCK in a dialog (although I don't think that  would make a difference)
> I do ctrl-p or  right-click paste and a security message tells me they are accessing the  clipboard pops up. I allow it and the text appears then disappears. This doesn't  always happen, but near enough all the time. It looks like it is something to do  with the security message, because if I create a trusted site and allow  Programmatic Clipboard Access in security it works fine, but I can't  gurantee/make my users have this.
> Any ideas, or a  direction to look in for debug
> Ryan
> Ryan  Puddephatt
> Software  Engineer
> Teleflex Group - IT  UK
> 1 Michaelson  Square
> Livingston
> West  Lothian
> Scotland
> EH54  7DP
> e> [hidden email]
> t>  +44(0)1506 407 110
> f> +44(0)1506 407  108
> w>

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