Re: Submission Pipleline with no Request Parameters

Posted by Hank Ratzesberger on


The validation error is surely because authorization
is failing and an invalid html/xhtml document is
being returned.

However, while I am able to access the url using the
url-generator, I cannot with the xforms-submission
processor.  I have tried both user:pass@ and xxforms:user=""

So, I have a work around (url-generator) and am happy to run any tests
you suggest. There is no test server that does not have real
users and passwords, so providing a test case for you is
problematic but not impossible.

The submission:

<xforms:submission method="get" serialize="false"
 action="https://user:pass@.../REST/File/facility/UCSB" />

also tried:

<xforms:submission method="get" serialize="false"
  xxforms:username="user" xxforms:password="pass" />

Thank you,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Erik Bruchez" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: [ops-users] Submission Pipleline with no Request Parameters

> Hank,
> With recent code, if you write:
> <xforms:submission serialize="false" ...>
> Then the input document won't be serialized. I am not sure why you get
> the validation error below though. What does your xforms:submission look
> like?
> -Erik
> Hank Ratzesberger wrote:
>> Is there an example of using the submission processor with no
>> parameters?  Is this what it should look like:
>> <p:processor name="oxf:xforms-submission">
>>  <p:input name="submission" href="#submission" />
>>  <p:input name="request">
>>    <parameters/>
>>  </p:input>
>>  <p:output name="response" id="response" />
>> </p:processor>
>> Also, can I presume that this error is from parsing
>> the response:
>> Error uncompleted content model. expecting: <divs>(schema:
>> oxf:/ops/xforms/xforms-server-response.rng)
>> Thanks for any tips,
>> --Hank
>> Hank Ratzesberger
>> Institute for Crustal Studies
>> University of California, Santa Barbara
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