Re: Exist REST Problems

Posted by Hank Ratzesberger on

Thanks Alex. Hope everything is going well.
BTW, the San Diego people are all on
vacation, let you know when decide things.



----- Original Message -----
From: "avernet" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 3:27 PM
Subject: Re: [ops-users] Exist REST Problems

> avernet wrote:
>> Hank, Ryan,
>> Adam on the exit-open list said he will fix this issue "in a few
>> days". His message:
> As a follow-up on this issue, a work-around is to create a service (XPL
> declared in page-flow.xpl) which makes the query to eXist using the URL
> generator. With the URL generator you can use
> <force-content-type>true</force-content-type>, thus forcing the result to be
> considered as application/xml even if eXist incorrectly says it is
> text/html. Here is the pipeline I used:
> exist-query.xpl
> And in page-flow.xml, I have:
> <page path-info="/common/exist/*" matcher="oxf:glob-matcher"
> view="/common/exist-query.xpl"/>
> Alex
> --
> Orbeon Forms - Web 2.0 Forms for the Enterprise
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