Re: Uploading files
Posted by
Erik Bruchez on
>> There is an execute-processor
> I just saw the following exerpt in the attached file:
> <p:processor name="oxf:execute-processor">
> <p:input name="config">
> <exec executable="c:/cygwin/bin/ls.exe" dir="c:/TEMP">
> <arg line="-als"/>
> </exec>
> </p:input>
> <p:output name="stdout" id="stdout"/>
> <p:output name="stderr" id="stderr"/>
> <p:output name="result" id="result"/>
> </p:processor>
> and I wonder, since stdout and stderr are already "redirected", where
> the "result" is computed from?
I fear that I don't understand the question at all ;-)
Each process (in the Unix world, but Cygwin here emulates that) has
stdout and stderr outputs. Here you simply obtain the text of these
outputs embedded in an XML document.
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