Posted by
Hank Ratzesberger on
Apologies that the post lacked some documentation that
I had.
The output element named result is the program return code,
as typically programs will return 0 for success and some
other value to indicate an error.
Please note that the size of stderr and stdout are not
limited and an errant program could easily consume all
your heap.
The Execute Processor is simply a way run a command
line program.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Florent Georges" <
[hidden email]>
To: <
[hidden email]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: [ops-users] Uploading files
> Hank Ratzesberger wrote:
>> There is an execute-processor
> I just saw the following exerpt in the attached file:
> <p:processor name="oxf:execute-processor">
> <p:input name="config">
> <exec executable="c:/cygwin/bin/ls.exe" dir="c:/TEMP">
> <arg line="-als"/>
> </exec>
> </p:input>
> <p:output name="stdout" id="stdout"/>
> <p:output name="stderr" id="stderr"/>
> <p:output name="result" id="result"/>
> </p:processor>
> and I wonder, since stdout and stderr are already "redirected", where
> the "result" is computed from?
> Regards,
> --drkm
> uncompressed/chunked Wed Aug 23 11:13:41 GMT 2006
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