>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ryan Puddephatt [mailto:
[hidden email]]
>Sent: 08 February 2006 15:24
[hidden email]
>Subject: RE: [ops-users] x:forms:bind and xforms:model
>What is the structure of the src file f1040ez.xml? has it got a root
>node <form> or <f1040ex>?
>Try the following
> <title>Form 1040 EZ 2005</title>
> <xforms:model>
> <xforms:instance id="main-instance" src="/xforms/f1040ez.xml"/>
> </xforms:model>
> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
> <xforms:input xhtml:type="text" ref="/form/f1040/f1-1"
> xhtml:style="height:22px;width:209px;margin:0px;font-
> </body>
>Ryan Puddephatt
>Software Engineer
>TFX Group - IT UK
>1 Michaelson Square
>West Lothian
>EH54 7DP
[hidden email]
>( 01506 407 110
>7 01506 407 108
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Richard Braman [mailto:
[hidden email]]
>>Sent: 08 February 2006 15:07
[hidden email]
>>Subject: RE: [ops-users] x:forms:bind and xforms:model
>>I have reproduced snippets from my code. This code throws a response
>>cannot be null error in xForms-epilogue.xpl line 81. I don't really
>>understand the syntax, because if it was the way understand it, it
>>would work :)
>>Here is my view:
>> <title>Form 1040 EZ 2005</title>
>><xforms:instance id="main-instance" src="/xforms/f1040ez.xml"/>
>><xforms:bind id="f1-1" nodeset="/form/f1040ez/f1-1"></xforms:bind>
>> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
>> <xforms:input xhtml:type="text" bind="f1-1"
>> </body>
>>Here is my input instance in file /xforms/f1040ez.xml
>><xforms:model xmlns:xforms="
>> <xforms:instance>
>> <form>
>> <f1040ez>
>> <f1-1>first name</f1-1>
>> </f1040ez>
>> </form>
>> </xforms:instance>
>> <xforms:submission method="post"/>
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Richard Braman [mailto:
[hidden email]]
>>Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 9:28 AM
[hidden email]
>>Subject: RE: [ops-users] x:forms:bind and xforms:model
>>I am trying to get my empty instance
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Ryan Puddephatt [mailto:
[hidden email]]
>>Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 9:04 AM
[hidden email]
>>Subject: RE: [ops-users] x:forms:bind and xforms:model
>> If your using the classic engine then the instance will be
>>the page-flow, but if your using the NG engine, which it looks like
>>your trying to! Then the instance is defined within the page.
>>Ryan Puddephatt
>>Software Engineer
>>TFX Group - IT UK
>>1 Michaelson Square
>>West Lothian
>>EH54 7DP
[hidden email]
>>( 01506 407 110
>>7 01506 407 108
>>Any ideas on What is src="input:instance"
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Richard Braman [mailto:
[hidden email]]
>>>Sent: 08 February 2006 13:46
[hidden email]
>>>Subject: RE: [ops-users] x:forms:bind and xforms:model
>>>What is src="input:instance" ?
>>>I thought my src instance is specified in the page flow.... Is this
>>>instance passed into the instance in the view?
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Erik Bruchez [mailto:
[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Erik
>>>Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 8:45 AM
[hidden email]
>>>Subject: Re: [ops-users] x:forms:bind and xforms:model
>>>That goes under your /xhtml:html/xhtml:head in your page view, yes.
>>>Richard Braman wrote:
>>>> Is thi syntax supported in3.0? Where would this code go, in the
>>>> view?
>>>> <xforms:model xmlns:xforms="
>>>> <!--The actual XForms instance comes from the database -->
>>>> <!--This syntax has yet to be supported by the server-side XForms
>>>> processor -->
>>>> <xforms:instance id="main-instance"src="input:instance"/>
>>>> <!--Calculations -->
>>>> <xforms:bind nodeset="/form/this/is/a/calculated/value1"
>>>> calculate="sum(/form/some/repeated/values)"/>
>>>> <xforms:bind nodeset="/form/this/is/a/calculated/@value2"
>>>> calculate="if
>>>> (/form/some/value gt 1000)then 100.0 else 200.0"/> ...
>>>> </xforms:model>