>-----Original Message-----
>From: Matthew Graham [mailto:
[hidden email]]
>Sent: 21 January 2006 17:06
[hidden email]
>Subject: Re: [ops-users] Referring to instance data in a stylesheet
>This is not the behaviour I see: the page flow part for this xhtml page is:
><page id="publish" view="publish.xhtml" model="publish.xpl"/>
>and the xsl elements in publish.xhtml act on the data from the model -
>publish.xpl - and not the instance definitions in the xforms:model at
>the top of publish.xhtml. BTW I am using OPS 3.0final.
> Cheers,
> Matthew
>Ryan Puddephatt wrote:
>> To access the instance from XSLT just treat it as the root, so if
>>you have the following
>><xforms:instance id="type">
>> <instance>
>> <type>..</type>
>> <type>..</type>
>> <type>..</type>
>> </instance>
>>The xsl would be
>><xsl:for-each select="/instance/type">
>> ...
>>Hope this helps
>>Ryan Puddephatt
>>Web Developer
>>TFX Group
>>1 Michaelson Square
>>West Lothian
>>EH54 7DP
[hidden email]
>>( 01506 407 110
>>7 01506 407 108
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Matthew Graham [mailto:
[hidden email]]
>>>Sent: 21 January 2006 03:12
[hidden email]
>>>Subject: [ops-users] Referring to instance data in a stylesheet
>>>I have a xhtml page in which I am also declaring xsl:version="2.0" at
>>>the top since I need to dynamically generate stuff based on the output
>>>of a pipeline. However, there are static elements that I am defining in
>>>an xforms:instance at the top of the page and I was wondering how I can
>>>access these in an xsl statement lower down:
>>><html xsl:version="2.0">
>>><xforms:instance id="types">
>>> <type>...
>>> <type>...
>>> ...
>>><xsl:for-each select="instance('types')">
>>> Cheers,
>>> Matthew