Posted by
Erik Bruchez on
As pointed out, you will have to remove the "xforms" attribute in your
page flow, as keeping it triggers the XForms Classic engine: that is done, you should tackle the next problem ;-)
I assume you want to update an XForms instance. I suggest, if not
already done, that you have a look at the following sections of the
Tania Magnenat wrote:
> Hi everybody!
> How to update (in the page flow) a xforms model when the model is inside
> the view?
> If the model is separated from the view, I have no problem (the xforms
> model is updated correctly with data from the previous model), but when
> the model is inside the view it doesn't works.
> Page flow example where the update works:
> =========================================
> <page id="travel" path-info="/travel" model="model-travel.xpl"
> xforms="form-travel.xml" view="view-travel.xsl">
> <action when="/*/action='add-travel'">
> <result page="add-travel">
> <xu:update select="/form/id">
> <xu:value-of
> select="document('input:instance')/*/document/ProjectID"/>
> </xu:update>
> </result>
> </action>
> </page>
> <page id="add-travel" path-info="/add-travel" xforms="/travel/form.xml"
> view="/travel/view.xhtml"/>
> Page flow example where the update doesn't works:
> ================================================
> <page id="travel" path-info="/travel" model="model-travel.xpl"
> xforms="form-travel.xml" view="view-travel.xsl">
> <action when="/*/action='add-travel'">
> <result page="add-travel">
> <xu:update select="/form/id">
> <xu:value-of
> select="document('input:instance')/*/document/ProjectID"/>
> </xu:update>
> </result>
> </action>
> </page>
> <page id="add-travel" path-info="/add-travel" view="/travel/view.xhtml"/>
> Thanks in advance!
> Tania
> P.S: I'm using OPS 3.0 beta 4
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