Posted by
Tania Magnenat on
Hi everybody!
How to update (in the page flow) a xforms model when the model is inside
the view?
If the model is separated from the view, I have no problem (the xforms
model is updated correctly with data from the previous model), but when
the model is inside the view it doesn't works.
Page flow example where the update works:
<page id="travel" path-info="/travel" model="model-travel.xpl"
xforms="form-travel.xml" view="view-travel.xsl">
<action when="/*/action='add-travel'">
<result page="add-travel">
<xu:update select="/form/id">
<xu:value-of select="document('input:instance')/*/document/ProjectID"/>
<page id="add-travel" path-info="/add-travel" xforms="/travel/form.xml"
Page flow example where the update doesn't works:
<page id="travel" path-info="/travel" model="model-travel.xpl"
xforms="form-travel.xml" view="view-travel.xsl">
<action when="/*/action='add-travel'">
<result page="add-travel">
<xu:update select="/form/id">
<xu:value-of select="document('input:instance')/*/document/ProjectID"/>
<page id="add-travel" path-info="/add-travel" view="/travel/view.xhtml"/>
Thanks in advance!
P.S: I'm using OPS 3.0 beta 4
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