Re: Basic output of instance doc?

Posted by Erik Bruchez on


You cannot use the "file:" scheme for XForms submission with Orbeon
PresentationServer. Currently, only the "http:" and "https:" schemes
are supported.

Even if emplemented, this would probably not have the effect you are
looking for, since the submission would happen on your server, and not
on your client as you may exepct. As we discussed earlier in this
mailing-list, submitting on the client (or even reading from it) is
prevented by your browser's security policies.

The easiest thing to do is to setup a simple service, with OPS or
otherwise, which is able to receive and display the result of your
submission with a POST. This is in fact almost trivial with OPS: setup
a page matchint the URL of your submission, and use either a model or
action pipeline to read its "instance" input and save it on disk with
the File serializer.


[hidden email] wrote:

 > I'm migrating a simple XForm from Firefox+XForm to Orbeon and I'm
 > having a little trouble getting to my basic instance document when
 > submitting the form.  I'm using the following submission code:
 > <xforms:submission action="file:///tmp/mods_orbeon.xml" method="put"
 >         replace="none"/>
 > <xforms:submit submission="submit">
 >         <xforms:label>Write to disk</xforms:label>
 >       </xforms:submit>
 > At this stage of development I would like to keep things as simple
 > as possible, realizing that later I may use eXist or some
 > server-side processing to handle the form submission.  I scoured the
 > documentation but I seem to be overlooking how I might produce a
 > simple screen-readable version of the instance document.  Can
 > someone advise me on this?  Thank you.
 > Duane Gran

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