Re: Serving plain text

Posted by Colin O'Brien on

OK, if I have to maintain a custom version of one post-processiing file
in the distribution, I might as well have them all ;-)
So now I have
* config/epilogue.xpl
+ use http serializer for text documents
+ skip xforms processing when no xforms
* config/epilogue-servlet.xpl
+ produce xhtml documents
   (not clear when you would want to return html to a client that says
it can handle xhtml,
    so don't know why xhtml isn't produced by default in such situations
but I suspect it is in the archive since we've discussed it before,
    but I haven't made all clients receive xhtml, yet, but I probably
will since that is what we are already doing with static sites and
indeed with our 2.8 site)
* config/theme/theme.xsl
+ added exclude-results-prefixes
+ skip xforms processing when no xforms

Thanks & regards

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