Re: Serving plain text

Posted by Colin O'Brien on

Hi Eric

yes, I had already given in and started looking at the epilogue.
I was happy to see that it has the instance as input, since that is  
where I know what view to use anyway.
So it is easy to just test and do my own http-serializer.

Except that the browser still shows the output arriving with the xml  

So I am now configuring my system so I have something at a lower level  
than the browser to inspect what I am receiving from the server.

Thanks again

On Nov 17, 2005, at 4:24 PM, Eric van der Vlist wrote:

> Le jeudi 17 novembre 2005 à 16:14 -0500, Colin O'Brien a écrit :
>>> If you want to serve them as text, you need to either modify the
>>> epilogue of shortcut it bu using only a model in your page definition
>>> and use the HTTP serializer to send your document to the browser (see
>> Well, of course, that's very interesting.
>> Like you, I am trying to avoid editing any files that come in the ops
>> distribution
>> (all my page flow is in a separate file - so far I have only edited
>> web.xml).
>> So I wouldn't want to edit the epilogue.
>> On the other hand, what I am doing is just an alternative view of the
>> data being generated.
>> Other times it wants to go as xml, or rss (which happily is in xml).
>> So I am deep in the V of the MVC when I make the decision that it  
>> needs
>> to be output as text and call the relevant transform.
>> So doing it in page flow would not only not be easy, I'm not sure it
>> conform to a key architectural concept ;-)
> The epilogue pipelines (there is one for servlets and one for portlets)
> are very straightforward (especially in 3.0) and I don't think that
> you'd be taken a high risk by modifying it.
> I'd even say that a modification that serialize non XML documents
> according to the spec (
> would probably a good thing for most users and you might be able to
> convince Erik and Alex to make it standard :-) ...
> Eric
> --  
> Le premier annuaire des apiculteurs 100% XML!
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -
> Eric van der Vlist             
> (ISO) RELAX NG   ISBN:0-596-00421-4
> (W3C) XML Schema ISBN:0-596-00252-1  
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