Re: Serving plain text
Posted by
Erik Bruchez on
Eric van der Vlist wrote:
> Yes. The patch I have proposed:
> <!-- Non XML documents -->
> <p:when test="/document[@xsi:type]">
> <p:processor name="oxf:http-serializer">
> <p:input name="config">
> <config/>
> </p:input>
> <p:input name="data" href="#xformed-data"/>
> </p:processor>
> </p:when>
> is more general than just plain text and would also support binary
> formats.
> The only drawback I can see is the one mentioned in my previous mail :
>>It's not 100% safe, though since the "document" element belongs to no
>>namespace and there is a risk (at least in theory) that someone might
>>use this element in a custom vocabulary with a different meaning in
>>mind. That's why I have added a test that there is a xsi:type
>>to reduce this risk.
All right, the change is in!
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